Known Contaminants Which Cause Serious Indoor Air Pollution Air pollution can be categorized as being either particulate (solids) or molecular (gas). Particulates are induced into the respiratory system through breathing. Gaseous pollutants also enter the body through breathing however these pollutants are much more dangerous because they have the ability to penetrate beyond the lungs, into the bloodstream and around the entire body. The effects can range from odors to physical symptoms such as damage to respiratory system, lung irritation, headaches, dizziness and nausea. The source of indoor air contaminants can be internal or external. A list of commonly known contaminants is below:
Biological Contaminants :: These are or were living organisms. They are known to cause poor indoor air quality and damage surfaces in buildings and homes. Biologicals travel thru the air and are often invisible and sub-micron in size making them difficult to remove from a conditioned space using a standard HVAC system. The most common indoor biological contaminants and their sources are:
- Bacteria carried by people, animals, soil and plant debris
- Viruses and germs transmitted by people and animals
- Pollens and Allergens originated by plants indoors and outdoors
- Pet Dander
- Mold and Mildew Spores
- Pest droppings and urine from rats and mice becomes airborne after it dries
Volatile Organic Compounds :: Are a group of carbon based chemicals that easily evaporate at room temperature. Many items in our work and home spaces produce these “off-gases” and even some of our activities such as cooking and copying documents can produce these contaminants. These pose major health risks which can lead to cancer.
- Acetone
- Benzene
- Formaldehyde
- Ethylene Glycol
The source of VOC’s are furniture, carpeting, building materials.
Ozone ::