Experts agree that source control is still the most effective way to completely remove dangerous pollutants from indoor spaces. They also agree that it is almost impossible to completely eradicate all contaminants that pose health risks in most indoor spaces. The simple fact is that people occupy indoor spaces, and with people comes pollution. The grooming products we use, skin flakes, detergents and pet dander are all carried on our clothes and in our hair and add to the contamination in all buildings.
Not only is it often impossible to remove the source, it is often not feasible or practical to try. Costly retrofits, space limitation and the increased energy bills to run large outside air units makes it difficult to install a clean air solution in most older buildings.
Controlling the pollutants inside a building is most often the most effective solution. Contaminants can be controlled by choosing furniture, building materials, cleaning products and equipment that emit low levels of VOCs. Or they can be controlled using a properly designed ventilation system that incorporates a CosaTron System installed in the HVAC system.
Buildings that have a CosaTron system installed have lower levels of dangerous contaminants making buildings more comfortable and healthier while reducing the costs associated with operation.